Build Your House for the Lord
“I’m ready to see some dirt piles on
the church yard,” I exclaimed to my wife recently “and a nice big hole in the
ground to go along with it!”
Of course I was referring to the
much anticipated beginning of our Legacy Building project.
I also know that behind the scenes
of beginning the first stages of this project was a mountain load of paperwork,
loan provisions and engeneering templates that needed to be in order before the
dirt work could begin.
I’m also anticipating that in the
very near future the grean light will be given for the go ahead for this much
anticipated first step.
God does teach patience!
In the meantime, I have reflected on
the tremendous effort of our volunteers that keep the ministries and programs
of this church going.
It indeed is a team effort!
If you come around 1st
Reformed on a Wednesday night you will find the church humming from 3:30 p.m.
until 9:30 p.m. There is barely a space
in the church that doesn’t have activity in it.
In fact, we are out of room. We
have two youth classes meeting in homes and an adult elective class meeting in
another home.
The STARS after school program
involves 31 children. Add to this choir,
praise band and team practice, misc. meetings and such and you have a church
crackling with energy!
Back to the dirt pile and
God blesses those who use their
gifts for him. Thank you to all who
teach Sunday School, lead and give of themselves in any way to the building up
of the body of Christ. I would miss many
people if I tried to describe all the tasks and duties that are done by
everyone. On behalf of the church, I
want you to know you are appreciated.
The anticipated dirt pile I refer to
reminds me of how we will be using our added facilities next year on. Diana, our Youth and Education Director, and
I cannot wait to see what has been envisioned to be used in expanding our
current ministries and the space in which to do things better.
May we build our house for the Lord
and may we build to wear it out for Him!
It is great to be on God’s team as a
servant worker for the Lord of the harvest!
Stay tuned for a dirt report!!
NOTE: Since the writing of this article, the
digging has begun as of September 23.
Praise God from whom all Blessings flow!