Saturday, October 27, 2012

Let Us Give Our Best

Let Us Give Our Best

Dear Friends,
            The other day I happened to be in the kitchen with my wife when she was cleaning out the refrigerator.  I do not usually take part in this event but I stood next to her giving her moral support (and an occasional guiding word of advice).  Doing her best to ignore me, she methodically went about her task.
            As plastic containers were opened, sniffed and identified as edible contents, I noticed she was throwing out a few egg yolks.  I asked, “Why?” and she informed me that they had blood specks in them.  I said, “So, why does that make a difference? You mix them up and fry them anyway!”
            She responded that when she had grown up on the farm her grandma always told her that is what you did with blood specks in the eggs.
            Well, I wanted to find out if that was true or not (not doubting my wife, of course!)  Wanting to find out the origin of that kitchen wisdom, I went to my trusty computer and Googled “eggs”.
            What I found was a wealth of information.  I basically learned that the blemishes that I was referring to came from fertilized eggs and basically you could eat them if you wanted but if they were sold they would be a grade B egg.
            Triumphantly going back to the kitchen, I proceeded to tell my wife that it really didn’t make a difference or not if you ate eggs with blood specks in them.
            Her response was less than I had anticipated.  She turned back to me and proceeded to throw another egg yolk away and said, “That is nice honey!”
            Later that day, I was doing my devotions which included verses from Jude 24 & 25. “Now to him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you without blemish before the presence of his glory…”
            What struck me in this scripture is how the word blemish is referred to.
            It made me realize that my wife was throwing those eggs away because she wanted the best for her family – an egg yolk without blemish!
            I was further reminded that God gave us his Son, Jesus Christ so that we could be introduced to our Heavenly Father without blemish!  Christ had given his life and taken our blemishes, our sins and made us presentable before God.
            As we enter this Thanksgiving season, may our giving represent our appreciation for all that God has done for us.
            Let us give Him our best!
            It is a time to give back.  It is a time to teach our children and children’s children that we give our best, without blemish or excuse to our Heavenly Father.
            Happy Thanksgiving!

Pastor Wayne