Tuesday, December 24, 2013

"WATCH YOUR WALK"            
            Last Saturday as the weather grew worse and the mist turned the sidewalks into a deadly ice rink filled with potential dangerous slips and slides, I remarked to staff members at church to “watch your walk” as they headed out the door.
            Reflecting on my warning, I thought to myself, I said that wrong. I wanted to say, “Watch where you step.”
            However, reflecting on my verbal misuse I thought about what I did say.
            “Watch your walk” I thought descirbes how we as Christians and as a church should approach the new year of 2014.
            Matthew 7:14 says, “But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
            Does that mean it is impossible to lead a Godly life? No.
            What it means is that in the world people will often walk a path of life that is not obedient to the call of our Lord.
            It is easy to walk that walk because the path is wide and the choices we make do not take into consideration what God has asked us to do.
            For the Christian, it means that we put aside our desires, our ability to control things for our own wants and needs and put others first.
            The implications for our church is one where we “do these things” in the name of Christ and put ourselves second.
            When a church and its members have a vision that gives empowerment to the Holy Spirit, watch it grow and go!
            It now has a purpose that is not hidden in words and formal statements but lived out where the community and world sees it!
            I call on our church not to be a spectator for the events that God has placed before us.  Be a participant in the body of Christ and “watch your walk” become filled with purpose and enthusiasm for the Christ we call Lord. 
            I am looking forward to the year as we pray the prayer of Jabez in 1 Chronicles 4:10, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.”  And God granted his request.


Pastor Wayne

Friday, November 1, 2013

“Our Vision:  Our Intent Not to be Content”

Dear Friends,

                Can you believe it!  It was over three years ago, in the summer of 2010, that we started the journey towards the completion of a vision we now know as the Legacy project!
                Now on November 17, 2013 at our Sunday morning worship service, we will dedicate the Legacy addition to the glory of God.
                From the beginning, we sought to incorporate the transitions of needs (we called them values) with the expression of our faith mission.
                Our theme scripture verse was taken from Psalm 71:17-18, “Since my youth, God, you have taught me, and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds.  Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come.”
                It was from this understanding of scripture that gave us the purpose of the building project we named the Legacy Project.
                Before we broke ground in June of 2012, the building committee narrowed down the value needs that were identified from our congregational forums.
                Thus, the fellowship hall represented the need to develop relationships; the expanded kitchen, a need to share ministry through meals; the elevator, an opportunity to allow everyone access to worship; relocated offices allowed an expanded education and youth ministry, etc.
                These examples reflect just a portion of those values that were identified and are being lived out.
                During the journey of the building of the Legacy addition, came the added benefit of congregational members using their gifts for God.
                It has been a project marked by enthusiasm and unity!
                Thus, it is fitting to thank all who have participated in this project.  A special thank you is extended to the members of the building committee who have spent long and countless hours working through the details that have become a reality.
                The congregation has been outstanding in their faithful giving and stewardship in support of this project.  As we transition from the construction phase, we have around $425,000 on our building loan.
                “Are we done?”
                “No, we have just begun!”  I say!
                I believe this church, as member of the body of Christ have a tremendous message to share with those who have yet to find a church home, to those who have yet to know a personal Jesus.
                This addition represents our intent not to be content, but to make it our mission to Impact lives for Christ!
                Join us in this celebration in worship and a meal together on November 17 at 10:00 a.m.
                Let’s pass the Legacy of faith even as we “pass the potatoes”!
                Way to go First Reformed!
In Christ,

Pastor Wayne

Friday, September 27, 2013

"Finishing Touches"

When I went to college, the first item of business was to get moved in to my dorm room.  It was usually a picture of mayhem. There would be people in every nook and cranny of every staircase in every level all the way to the parking lot. A mixture of parents and students would fill the halls. Boxes and pillows intermingled with books and second hand sofas filled the dorm halls. Eventually, all would be crammed and stowed in rooms that would become your home for nine months.
But not all was done!!
Each roommate would begin to personalize their section of the room. I would hang up my favorite poster including Dick Butkus-Chicago Bears-(even though I was a Vikings fan) and place my girlfriend’s picture (Tammy-yes the same who become my wife) next to that of my family on the top shelf of the little study cubicle. I then would arrange my stash of food in the order of how easy is was to find. The best stash was hidden from marauding friends that were always looking to score a quick bite to satisfy an omnipresent hunger!
Finally, when all this was completed I would echo the words of Genesis 1:31 “And God saw all that he had made, and it was very good”
Finishing touches were not the first efforts of the process of getting moved in to my room. They came in the end when I had figured out where I wanted things to be.
This memory of mine reminds me of where we are with our Legacy project. We are just about complete with the project. We are entering the phase of finishing touches. We make an adjustment here and make tweak there to get the “lay of the land”! We are anxious to begin to use it and have begun to do so as the project has allowed. Classes have begun to meet in areas of the new building and the nursery has been put to use. This past vwSunday (Sept. 22), our fellowship hall will be used for coffee after church for the first time. The Sunday of dedication has been set for November 24 where we will celebrate God’s faithfulness and the unity of His people who “had a mind to build”. We will dedicate this building to the glory of God and to the continued mission of the ministry of First Reformed to be a light for Jesus Christ.
Finishing touches! Are we done?
Like a good craftsman who constantly seeks to improve his skill we will continue to seek the Lord’s guidance in ministering to our community and world. Our task is not done until the Lord declares it so!
May we be encouraged by the opportunity and mission God has given us. The Legacy Building project has given us a reminder of what we are meant to be as a community of believers.
Enjoy the moving in!  See you in Church!

Pastor Wayne

Monday, August 26, 2013

The church is in full fall mode as we prepare to set in motion the educational programs of the fall.  The opportunities to serve as teachers, youth sponsors, power point volunteers, kitchen help, STARS (our after school program) volunteers and countless other areas of the church abound. Take a look in the church bulletin and pick your area of service!
First Reformed’s motto is “Impacting Lives for Christ”.
Sometimes the opportunity to be a student of our motto literally comes to your doorstep. Last week Sunday, a family of four stood at the entrance to our south parking lot with a large sign asking for work.  What is a Christian to do?  What do we do at First Reformed?
I spotted this situation as I walked home to help host Connections, our post high young adult class. Following a quick conversation of broken English that revealed a story that I have heard many times before, I decided to see what we could do to provide legitimate assistance. 
The following is written in the words of one of those young adults, Taylor Van Wyk, when I asked for a volunteer to assist me with this family. I believe Taylor’s response gives an insight into the struggle we all have when our calling as followers of Christ comes knocking at our front door.
“Pastor Wayne walked through his kitchen doorway on August 18 and stated that he will be back in a little bit because he had a “special situation” that he had to go investigate. At this exact moment, Connections for post high students, was taking place in his home. Before he could explain what he was doing, my mind was reeling about what could possibly be the special situation here in Sully. It turns out, in the south parking lot, there was a family traveling back from New York to California and was asking for work around the area. After Pastor Wayne communicated with this family, he came back and said he was bringing food out to them. I was blessed with the opportunity to carry water bottles and pop to this family. My heart was filled with happiness after having an encounter with the little girl of the family. Pure innocence was written across her face as she had no idea why I was giving her the bottles of water. After reflecting on what I had just experience , I felt that the most frustrating part in a situation of helping the homeless or those in need is that one will never have the answer if it was a hoax or whether they were truly in need of our help. However, who are we to judge. This brings me to a couple verses. Luke 14: 12-14 states, Then he turned to his host. “When you put on a luncheon or a dinner,” he said, “don’t invite your friends, brothers, relatives, and rich neighbors.  For they will repay you by inviting you back.  Instead, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. Then at the resurrection of the godly, God will reward you for inviting those who could not repay you.” I found this to be a fitting passage because instead of inviting them over, we brought our company to them and assisted to their needs. The greatest rewards come when you least expect them to as we are touching lives little by little. “
Taylor, I could not have said that any better!
The church exists for moments such as these, the expected and the unexpected, when we respond to being the hands and feet of Jesus. It is putting into practice the lessons of our Teacher, our Lord Jesus Christ!
Let us be prepared when our calling as a student of Jesus comes knocking at our door!

Pastor Wayne and Taylor Van Wyk

Friday, May 31, 2013


Dear Friends,
                We have finally put away the snow shovels and are ready for summer.  Last month’s snow has been replaced by humid summer nights!
                The summer season ushers in gardens, ball games and family vacations among some things.
                Our church also experiences the evidence of change around us.  The Legacy project outside progress can be measured in bricks – literally brick by brick.  Each weekday morning one can check on the progress of the bricklayers as they cover the outside walls in mortar and brick.  It’s exciting to see the accomplishments of this phase of our addition.
                If you venture into the newest portion of the church, the sheet rockers are just about complete with their work.  The size of the rooms are beginning to take shape and are awaiting their personality as the painters will soon be covering them in color.  The carpet has been ordered!
                Our Sunday morning worship has also seen change.  You have probably noticed that we have been having different individuals assisting in the call to worship and announcements. We have been blessed by various personal insights of those who lead us in this portion of our worship service.  We are witness to the body of Christ developing their gifts.
                The upcoming months will also introduce three interns working in various capacities in the church.  Clayton Larson will be doing calling and preaching (especially when I’m on vacation), Heidi Schulte will be leading our Bible study ministries and Katelyn Roozeboom will be using her gifts of clerical administration.  What a gift First Reformed is giving to their young people as we help mentor them and they bless us with their gifts.  This is being an example of a teaching church in its finest application.
                As we note the changes that we are experiencing I must also note the closure of Diana Scandridge as our Youth and Education Director.  Diana has accepted a position in the Lynnville-Sully school district and will complete her duties on August 9, 2013.  We have been blessed by her leadership the past three years and will miss her!
                At the same time, we now begin the process of seeking another individual God has planned for us as Youth and Education Director.  A search committee has been formed as we begin this journey in staffing for the future.
                I ask you to pray for the search process and for the right person that will continue to build on the spiritual goals that have been laid out for us.
                May you enjoy the summer God has planned for you!

In Christ,

Pastor Wayne 

Friday, March 22, 2013

"Spiritual Tombstones?"

Dear Friends,

            In 2000, Arnold L. Cook wrote a book entitled, “Historical Drift: Must My Church Die?”
            I was mightily impacted by the observations of this author.
            One of the statements that he noted was that throughout history, vision dims, core values shift and passion fades in organizations.  Cook was of the opinion that all Christian organizations should be scrapped every 100 years and start over.
            Historical drift is the tendency of churches to move away from their original moorings over time.  He places the blame not on the organizations but on the leaders! “Whether a Christian organization thrives or dies depends on the caliber of its leaders!
            That really got my attention as I considered my role as a pastor and the boards I serve on.
            He noted that historical drift can be reversed but it is dependent on a spiritual revival that touches every aspect of our personal life hence our church life!
            At the root of “historical drift” in denominations and churches is the subtle and not so subtle compromises of Biblical authority, theology and church doctrines and spiritual discipline.
            As I reflected on what this means for the churches I have served, it propelled me and drove me to be the best I could be as a pastoral leader albeit with imperfections.
            I am passionate about not letting things die because of apathy or lack of commitment.
            Churches and people do not need to become spiritual tombstones used only as references to the past.
            Sadly, however, sometimes we are content to be spiritually lifeless and excuse our way to the grave.
            As we build the Legacy project, let us be reminded this is a statement on how we will do ministry as a church.  We will not be content to use a building that is seen and not heard.
            I can envision the congregation using this building until it wears out and needs to be built again!  It is in this way we find the enthusiasm of serving our God by letting him touch and use us in our corporate and personal moments!           
            Let us review every aspect of our church life in Christ and refresh ourselves with the purpose of why First Reformed Church will live!

In Christ,
Pastor Wayne