Tuesday, December 24, 2013

"WATCH YOUR WALK"            
            Last Saturday as the weather grew worse and the mist turned the sidewalks into a deadly ice rink filled with potential dangerous slips and slides, I remarked to staff members at church to “watch your walk” as they headed out the door.
            Reflecting on my warning, I thought to myself, I said that wrong. I wanted to say, “Watch where you step.”
            However, reflecting on my verbal misuse I thought about what I did say.
            “Watch your walk” I thought descirbes how we as Christians and as a church should approach the new year of 2014.
            Matthew 7:14 says, “But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
            Does that mean it is impossible to lead a Godly life? No.
            What it means is that in the world people will often walk a path of life that is not obedient to the call of our Lord.
            It is easy to walk that walk because the path is wide and the choices we make do not take into consideration what God has asked us to do.
            For the Christian, it means that we put aside our desires, our ability to control things for our own wants and needs and put others first.
            The implications for our church is one where we “do these things” in the name of Christ and put ourselves second.
            When a church and its members have a vision that gives empowerment to the Holy Spirit, watch it grow and go!
            It now has a purpose that is not hidden in words and formal statements but lived out where the community and world sees it!
            I call on our church not to be a spectator for the events that God has placed before us.  Be a participant in the body of Christ and “watch your walk” become filled with purpose and enthusiasm for the Christ we call Lord. 
            I am looking forward to the year as we pray the prayer of Jabez in 1 Chronicles 4:10, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.”  And God granted his request.


Pastor Wayne