Friday, May 2, 2014

Put God First

Have you ever watched the TV show “Hoarders”?  Each episode concentrates on people who won’t let go of their material possessions.
            In some cases, the possessions literally threaten the health of those individuals living in their homes.  At the least, this condition limits a person’s freedom and they are held hostage both emotionally and physically by the things they once controlled.
            I thought of this condition when I was doing some spring cleaning last week.  I’ve had some old jackets that have served me well.  They hang on hooks where I placed them five years ago!  I haven’t used them.  “Maybe it was time to get rid of them,” I mused. “But then again maybe I’ll need an old jacket for a dirty job and they would be perfect!”
            In the end, I kept two and disposed of two!  That’s a nice compromise I thought to myself!
            In reality, I hadn’t quite let go of everything that needed to be discarded!  However, I did feel a freeing power that proved to myself I could get rid of things!
            In our Christian walk, I have noticed some similarities with the things of this world we try to hold on to while we live our Christian witness.
            To be quite honest, it’s difficult and leaves the witness of Christ gasping for breath frustrated by what we are trying to do with the things we are packing on our journey.
            The Bible says it quite clearly.  “No one can serve two masters.  Either you will hate the one and love the other or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other.”  Matthew 6:24
            This month we celebrate graduation!  I urge our graduates to remember what to serve when they begin their journey in life.
            This isn’t limited to graduates either.  May we take a close examination at what we are doing with our life and how we are living it for God.
            God doesn’t take a back seat to anything or anyone!
            Put Him first!
            You will have a much lighter journey in this life!  You will also enjoy the things that will take on the real meaning of what to keep and what to throw away!
            Know your Master!

Have a Great May!

Blessings in Christ!

Pastor Wayne