Monday, June 20, 2011

General Synod Day #5

General Synod Day 5 Monday June 20

Today the Synod starting rolling up their shirt sleeves and started making hay through their business. They know we have to get business done if we want to get out of here by noon tomorrow( or else become Calvin students-trapped in Grand Rapids for the summer). Thus the Synod put it in overdrive!

The morning session news:
-It was approved to develop a study paper on allowing deacons to be delegates to General Synod. This has been been bounced around at General Synod since 1923. The basic challenge is how to you balance the ratio of elder and pastoral delegates.

Note- an historic vote took place during this process. We voted via computer for the first time. We actually had been been using voice votes up to this time because of the anxiety of some delegates using computers and some provided computers malfunctioning.

-5 nominees for vice president were introduced(the vice-president becomes president of Synod next year)

Statistical reports were given


-It was noted that the statistical reports were being under reported and some churches not even reporting because they do not want to pay their fair share of assessments.

summary of some data of the report

-The figures all showed declines. However it was noted that 185 churches were not reported as they are not organized and pay no assessments. These churches represent 15,000 members that are not listed. This makes a big difference in the overall picture and health of the RCA. It was noted that next year these figures representing our not yet organized churches will be represented in the report.

Note- There is trend for more and more churches to have people attend but not join. The practical implication is that as the assessment increases there are less reported members (churhes) that pay a greater amount of the assessment budget. Thus, the assessment always keeps increasing even when the there can be an actual decrease in spending.

Tomorrow, we will elect our president and finish up some business in the morning. I will eat a box lunch on the bus and wait in the airport until 5 or so. I go to Des Moines via Detroit and should be home by 10 p.m. Thus, my last blog will occur from home unless I seek a blog in the meeting.Don't know if I want to do that!!!

Well, as you can see this is heady stuff for the day. Maybe you might say -a bit boring but its the nuts and bolts of some of synod business

personal reflection
-the synod spirit has been one of unity
-I feel that many of the younger clergy are solid in their foundation in the leadership of the church. They are very Biblical based. Actually, more so than many of my own peers.
This gives me encouragement for the future of the RCA

Congregational Note
My prayers have been with the Leo Vandekroel family in the loss of Nellie. My sympathy is extended to you as I wished to be with you as today you gathered as a family and said goodby but celebrated her homegoing in Christ. Your loss was lifted up at General Synod in our prayer request time.

Dorm Life with Pastor Wayne

-its time to do go home. I am down to my last shirt and it is still hot. I wonder if I can turn them inside out!

-my room is still hot

-I am looking forward to a good home cooked meal(Hint, Hint, Tammy!!)

Signing off from Synod,

Blessings in Jesus Christ (that is the reason I am here-part of the community of the body of Christ-representing his body in Sully,Iowa known as first Reformed.)

Pastor Wayne Sneller

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