Friday, April 29, 2016

"Changes & Choices"

Dear Friends,
This month represents change in many of those in our congregation.
Graduation from high school or college is just around the corner for many young people who are seniors from these age groups.
Change affecting our congregation represents those graduating from kindergarten to those of our congregation that are downsizing and moving from a house to an apartment or even another town with a new address!  And the reverse is true on another scale, a young married couple moving from an apartment or rental property to their first new home.
Change fights for our attention from politicians to resetting our clocks for day light savings time!
Not long ago in my morning devotions I came across Philippians 2:9-11 this verse declares “at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.”  This verse reminds me that in the midst of all the change we face, some good some bad, and all the uncertainty that can loom around us, that someday Jesus Christ will step into the world scene and bring all of this to a conclusion.  His presence and appearance will bring all of us to our knees.  I’m not sure when it will happen, I’m not sure how it will happen, but I am certain it will happen!
Every person who leaves this life will bow before Jesus.  You will account for yourself.  You will answer for the choices you have made.
We can recover eternally despite some bad choices, but we cannot get this one wrong.  We can avoid God but not for more than an earthly lifetime!  Jesus Christ is Lord, and someday every knee will bow to Him as the Master.  The ultimate authority.
If life is about one thing, it’s about getting this ultimate authority relationship figured out!   Who is really in charge!?  Of my life? My choices? My changes? I pray it is Jesus Christ your Lord!  No matter what we accomplish in this world, if we don’t get this figured out, we will have nothing!
The ultimate test of lordship is not the crisis of your deciding to believe, but the process of submitting your will to His will!  Whose will wins: yours or His?
Everybody serves somebody!
What do you bow down to?  You’ll find the answer to whom you serve in your response!
What does your choice look like?  If it doesn’t include Jesus Christ, there is still time to change your choice! Do it today!

Pastor Wayne

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