Thursday, February 27, 2014

Work Faithfully & Diligently

Dear Friends,

            I spent several evenings last week watching the Winter Olympics. 
            I am amazed at the skills demonstrated by the athletes as they participated in their particular winter sports event.
            What also generated my interest, are the stories that are often behind the athletes medals of gold, silver or bronze.
            One of my favorite stories this year is of the USA’s snowboarding bronze medalist, Alex Deibold.  He was an unknown behind the scenes Olympic participant that no one knew!
            In the last winter Olympics, he went as a snowboard technician.  This means he would wax and scrape and grind the snowboards for his teammates who were participants in the events.
            This year he stood on the ceremony podium representing the USA as a bronze medalist.
            This reminded me of Elisha’s servant Gehazi.  He worked alongside the greatly respected and God-anointed prophet Elisha.
            Gehazi was often charged to go to difficult situations.  Remember the widow whose son had died?  Gehazi was there but nothing happened when Gehazi was on the scene.  Enter Elisha.  A miracle occurs.  The child was raised.
            Later on in the chapter (2 Kings 4), a famine struck the area.  Gehazi was told to make stew. Inadvertently poisonous plants were used to make the stew and everybody cried out they were going to die!  Again Elisha shows up to fix the problem.
            Gehazi had done all the work and Elisha gets all the credit!  So it is with serving today!  It is so easy to feel used and unappreciated!
            I want to thank all those who serve behind the scenes in ministry.  You work faithfully and diligently, yet someone else gets the praise and attention!  Your efforts make the individual or program a success!
            Our God who rewards in secret will never overlook your commitment.
            Thank you again to all of you who serve the Lord and his church in so many unseen but powerful ways!
I love the verse, “For God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love you have shown towards His name, in having ministered and in still ministering to the saints!”  Hebrews 6:10

Have a great day in the Lord!

Pastor Wayne

Friday, February 7, 2014

Mercy, Hospitality and Listening – Care Ministry

Dear Friends,

                Sunday (January 19) we began a new era of caring ministry in our congregation.
                We commissioned twelve new care teams that will aid our 7 elder and deacon teams.  This makes nineteen teams that will be using their gifts of care and nurture for Christ’s church in the body we call Sully First Reformed.
                As your pastor, this has been one of my dreams to help develop and disciple our congregation into a caring and loving body of believers.
                The care team ministry was developed so that there is not one person who is inadvertently missing the Christian care and love that we desire to show one another.
                It also is an opportunity to allow members to use their gifts of mercy, hospitality and listening.
                Our care teams will compliment the care of the elders and deacons that has and will continue to be so faithfully done but will give everyone a greater opportunity to serve.
                As your pastor, I am aware of the needs that a congregation of our size represents as well as the great possibilities of service that God has in store for us if we are willing to serve together and refresh ourselves.
                I am reminded of this example of coming together and refueling our care service.
                The Strategic Air Command – our nations’ defense system – operates 24 hours a day as a shield of protection for our nation.  That means that at any point in a given day there are planes carrying nuclear warheads in the air over our country.  If these planes fly constantly, how do they keep them full of fuel?  In the military, they do what’s called mid-flight refueling.  A refueling plane actually flies up next to the Strategic Air Command plane, docks in, and refuels in flight.
                We know together we can provide the care needed for each other as we help one another care for one another in Christ.
                “For this reasons we never become discouraged … yet our spiritual being is renewed day after day.”  2 Corinthians 4:16
                May we be ready to receive the Lord’s blessings as we love and care for one another in Christ!


Pastor Wayne