Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Dear Friends,

          Recently I read an article about how the aviation industry is working with NASA to deal with the problem of bugs sticking to the wings of airplanes.  It is believed that millions upon millions of dollars can be saved on fuel by reducing the “bug” drag on the wings of airplanes. It seems that if some kind of surface can be found that allows bugs to slide off the front of the wings instead of sticking to them, the airline industry would have a higher profit margin.
          You talk about the power of “stick-to-it-ness”!  As we enter into education and the fall activity mode of the church, I think of all the good intentions and fresh opportunities we will have to learn about our God and His love for us.
          How well does that “stick” as we lead by example and desire?
          I encourage you to take and opportunity to find out how the Lord can enrich your life!  Be an example to your child and teach with your actions the importance of learning God’s word.
          Romans 12:9 say, “Love must be sincere.  Hate what is evil, cling to what is good.” 
          Let me close with this illustration on how we learn to cling to God’s word.
          Cling in its purest sense means to “hold on tightly.”
          One day last week, it was much cooler than normal but on this particular morning when I got into the truck to go to a meeting, I noticed the flies stuck to my antenna. (Not confused with the dead corn moths splattered on the windshield.) Those flies cling to anything warmer and barely move.  I think I got up to 50 mph before the last fly grudgingly let go and flew off.
          My friends let us hold on tightly to the truth God gives us and learn a few lessons from some sticky bugs and stubborn flies in the process!
          Have a great transition into August!


Pastor Wayne